Monday, August 24, 2020
The Rave Subculture essays
The Rave Subculture papers I strolled into the dull room subsequent to paying the ten-dollar fee at the door. The music was what I saw first. It was exceptionally noisy and caused a ring to wait in my ears. The music was house music, otherwise called techno or electronic music. The following thing I saw was the individuals. Most of them were youthful grown-ups, anyplace from their late teenagers to mid 20s. It wasnt the individuals I saw so a lot, however how they were carrying on. The greater part of them were moving, however not simply your average moving that you would see in most move clubs. Individuals were exceptionally near one another and there was a great deal of physical, euphoric collaboration between them. They were moving to the beat, practically together as one. Additionally moving the score of the music were numerous lights of every single diverse shading. A great many people were hitting the dance floor with glowsticks just as different sorts of lights. It was obvious to me immediately that mos t of the individuals inside the room were not calm however were under an impact. I had strolled into the universe of the rave. It was a Saturday night in Jacksonville, Florida. I was at a club in the Downtown region called 618. It opens at 10 p.m., when most different spots are preparing to close. The benefactors there be that as it may, were simply kicking their night off. I strolled around the club, seeing as I strolled. I saw individuals embracing a great deal, giving each other back rubs or giving each other light shows. I asked a young lady what the light show was for. Her name was Sara and she answered, The lights look truly cool when youre rolling. Moving is term most ravers use when are on the well known club sedate happiness. Sara was 19 and dressed like a great deal of the ravers I saw there. Free shirts and loose jeans. She had adornments on that looked practically like childrens gems. She said kids there who wore that sort of attire were called candie ravers or candie kids. Joy pills are made of a compoun... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Goals for the future free essay sample
Over the Corse of my secondary school year I have had a wide range of objectives yet the principle objective that Iââ¬â¢m despite everything working at is to keep up on target with my work. I accept that this objective has helped me a ton in light of the fact that with this objective Iââ¬â¢m ready to accomplish more than a certain something. Iââ¬â¢m ready to initially comprehend what I have turned in and what work I need to turn in still. With this objective I additionally realize how to show my instructors in the event that my work is lost that I turned in so I can get my focuses. At the point when I move on from secondary school I need to be in the clinical field like an enlisted nurture and with this objective I realize that I will have the option to arrive at my vocation objective. I additionally feel that with this objective it will help me not exclusively to move on from secondary school yet in addition from school and go with me toss out my profession as an enlisted nurture. We will compose a custom exposition test on Objectives for what's to come or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page I can utilize this objective to be on my work and recognize what patients I have helped and furthermore have the option to comprehend what tolerant I despite everything need to help. As should be obvious I take a gander at my objectives as a framework, a framework that rotates around me and my life. One objective can make for my entire life extremely simple. I will have the option to take testing courses and still have the option to pass them. I will likewise head off to college and utilize my objective to do well in school and not get captured behind on time. Also, last I will have the option to graduate school and go to the profession that I need and utilize that equivalent objective to be incredible at what I love to do which is to associate with the patients and have the option to make their loathsome visit a decent remain to ensure they disregard the medical issues they may have. On the off chance that I could give everybody one tip it is make one objective that works for you and your life that you can remain with you for quite a while that you can utilize and re-use.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Hardee, William Joseph
Hardee, William Joseph Hardee, William Joseph, 1815â"73, American army officer, Confederate general, b. Camden co., Ga. A graduate of West Point, he served with distinction in the Mexican War and compiled Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics, a standard army textbook of the time (1853â"55). In 1856, he was appointed commandant of cadets at West Point. After Georgia seceded, he became a Confederate brigadier general. Hardee joined A. S. Johnston's army and fought at Shiloh (Apr., 1862). He was promoted to lieutenant general in October and was an able corps commander in the Army of Tennessee, fighting at Perryville, Murfreesboro, and Missionary Ridge and in the Atlanta campaign . He commanded against General Sherman in Georgia and South Carolina (1864â"65), abandoning Savannah and Charleston to union troops and surrendering to Sherman in North Carolina in Apr., 1865. See study by N. C. Hughes (1965). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All ri ghts reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Cisneros The House on Mango Street Essay - 998 Words
Sometimes in life, people wish for things they do not have. No matter how hard people wish on a star or on a candle, the wishes never seemed to be answered. Everyone has felt that bitter disappointment on Christmas morning when they finally realize that they were never going to be able to get what they wanted. This is the same exact feelings that the characters in Cisneros The House on Mango Street. Unlike us, the disappointment for these characters last throughout their childhood. Esperanza, Rachel, Nenny, Sally, and Lucy are among the kids growing up on Mango Street. They all long for friendship, love, and a better life, but all these kids face are the harsh reality of the real world. In the societyâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦All Esperanza wanted was a friendship that would help her escape her life, but all she ended up with were friendships that reminded her of her broken dreams because in her society nothing was given for free and the people she was associated with did not have the same goals as she did. Another one of those broken dreams was the concept of love. Esperanza was not the only one who longed for a mans endless love. Marin, Esperanza, Rafaela, and Sally are all waiting for a car to stop, a star to fall, someone to change her life(35) These girls are all waiting for prince charming to come and sweep them off their feet. They believe that the right man will come and love them for who they are and take them away to a nice house. Marin says that she will move in and marry her boyfriend, but the harsh reality is that she will only be sent to a worse life. Cisneros uses the story of Rapunzel to describe Rafaelas life. She longs to be free of the tower and do as she pleases, but all she gets is a husband who keeps her locked up in the apartment and that is where she will remain. In Sallys case, she wants a man to love her and she thinks she can achieve that by using her body. Sally eventually gets married to a man who provides her with riches, but she willShow MoreRelatedThe House On Mango Street By Sandra Cisneros1132 Words à |à 5 Pageslives. In the collection of short stories, The House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros, she focuses on a young Hispanic girl named Esperanza Cordero who grew up on Mango Street. As she is changing and maturing, she writes down her experiences about discrimination of gender, sexual orientation, and more. Esperanza s transformation from a young and innocent girl to a mature woman is displayed through her self-realization and experiences that help Cisneros reveal how one s own experiences can lead toRead MoreThe House On Mango Street By Sandra Cisneros1297 Words à |à 6 Pagesthink of a story to create, most of the advice given to them is ââ¬Å"write what you know.â⬠This was perfect advice for Mexican-American writer Sandra Cisneros, who draws upon her coming-of-age events throughout her childhood and adolescence in ââ¬Å"The House on Mango S treet.â⬠Drawing from life stories, her alter ego ââ¬Å"Esperanzaâ⬠describes everything from the house she lived in, to the hair on peopleââ¬â¢s heads. These personal stories show a stark contrast for any reader of a different culture, and confirm feelingsRead MoreThe House On Mango Street By Sandra Cisneros913 Words à |à 4 Pagesvignettes that made up ââ¬Å"The House on Mango Streetâ⬠, a coming-of-age novel by Mexican-American writer Sandra Cisneros. Cisneros in this specific vignette reveals the inherent oppressiveness of all marriages, which by their nature rob people of their independence. Sally is not even eight grades and she gets married. Her husband is a marshmallow salesman that she meets at a school bazaar. She moves to another state where is legal their marriage. Sally tells Esperanza about her house and domestic objects thatRead MoreThe House On Mango Street By Sandra Cisneros2004 Words à |à 9 PagesIn The House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros, twelve-year-old Esperanza Cordero must navigate through the trials and tribulations that one can associate when encountering young adulthood. The author Cisneros, utilizes her unique writing style of vignettes to illustrate the narrative voice of Esperanza in her text. A major theme that can be seen as the most prominent thus far, is on the feminist role of Esperanza as a female in her Latin American culture. The House on Mango Street is an overallRead MoreThe House On Mango Street By Sandra Cisneros1854 Words à |à 8 Pages The Street That Changed a Life The House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros, displays a great emphasis on culture and people helping form a young girl into a young lady. The main character, Esperanza, has to navigate a mentally and physically challenging life growing up in a poor, Hispanic neighborhood while still learning how to mature and rise above the poverty that surrounds her. Thus, the question arises: in what way and to what extent does close human interaction change Esperanzaââ¬â¢s lifeRead MoreThe House On Mango Street By Sandra Cisneros886 Words à |à 4 PagesThe House on Mango Street is a novel by Sandra Cisneros. The novel is acclaimed by critics and used in schools all around the world. ââ¬Å"The House on Mango Streetâ⬠is about a young Latina girl who is about the age of 12 when the novel begins. Sandraââ¬â¢s novels have sold over two million copies. Sandra was born on December 20, 1984, in Chicago, Illinois. In 2016, President Barack Obama presented her with the medal of ââ¬ËNat ional Medal of Artsââ¬â¢. Title: The House on Mango Street Author: Sandra Cisneros TheRead MoreThe House On Mango Street By Sandra Cisneros1688 Words à |à 7 PagesThe House on Mango Street, a novella by Sandra Cisneros, revolves around the idea of a developing Latino girl facing the difficulties of transitioning to a young mature woman. Esperanza moves into a house on Mango Street, where she meets many diverse influential people as she attempts to discover her true identity and understanding of the world. While doing this, she encounters the struggles of her community, socioeconomic class, and heritage. Esperanzaââ¬â¢s opposing view of herself slowly adjusts asRead MoreThe House On Mango Street By Sandra Cisneros753 Words à |à 4 PagesWhen you look at the cover of the book, The House on Mango Street, you see bright colors and a fun font. The first vignette that Sandra Cisneros writes is about Esperanza, a young Latino girl wishing that she had her own house, a house with trees and white fences. The way that Cisneros writes screams ââ¬Å"little girl.â⬠However, as you dive deeper into the book, the subject of each vignette gets darker. Slowly, we start to see the dangers of growing up as a young Latino girl in a Chicago neighborhoodRead MoreThe House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros766 Words à |à 3 Pagesliterary analysis on ââ¬Å"The House on Mango Streetâ⬠by Sandra Cisneros. This story takes place in the center of an over populated Latino neighborhood in Chicago, a city where many of the poor areas are ethnically segregated. This novella uses two main symbols shoes and trees. Later in the literary analysis I will explain what these mean to the main characters. There are three main characters in the novella Esperanza, Sally and Nenny (short for ââ¬Å"Magdalenaâ⬠). The House on Mango Street tells the life of EsperanzaRead MoreThe House On Mango Street By Sandra Cisneros1087 Words à |à 5 PagesRiaz Salehi The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, portrays the life of a teenage girl named Esperanza living on Mango Street. Though Esperanza lives in a diverse city, pre-existing stereotypes are affecting how others(women?) are perceived and treated. Esperanza starts to see how to change her community and the negative view of herself by taking the wrong actions of other women and connecting them to her own life experiences. To begin with, Esperanza always saw this great distinction
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hipaa s Effects On Communication - 988 Words
HIPAAââ¬â¢s Effects on Communication When it comes to health care, one of patientsââ¬â¢ primary concerns is the protection of their private information. It is for this reason that Congress created the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). HIPAA affects nearly all communication between patients, providers, payers, and intermediates such as pharmacies (Fremgen, 2012). Physicians may need to refer a patient to another practice for tests or further treatment. At any time, a patient has the right to request copies of his or her medical records. To collect payment for services, a clinic may need to provide an insurance company with the patientââ¬â¢s diagnosis. Staff must also cooperate when circumstances unrelated to patient care require the release of confidential information. It is critical that staff avoids confusion and properly implements the privacy policy. Medical personnel must exercise caution when communicating patient information, be famil iar with special circumstances, and not misinterpret the privacy laws to the detriment of patients and other involved parties. Before sharing any patient information with insurance companies, providers must obtain a written contract from them that guarantees it will remain protected. Written documentation is important to medical staff. If information is to be shared for any reason that is not related to care, billing, or paying, written consent must be collected. Before a patient is even seen, they must beShow MoreRelatedHipaa Compliant Mobile App Development Requirements1308 Words à |à 6 PagesHIPAA Compliant Mobile App Development Requirements HIPAA Compliant Mobile App Development Requirements HIPAA compliance issues affect medical practices, insurance companies and eCommerce companies that sell medical devices, equipment and increasingly popular fitness apps that measure key health and fitness functions. HIPAA, an acronym that stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, was passed in 1996 and took effect in 2003. The act mandates privacy protection for confidentialRead MoreHealth Care Communication Methods1225 Words à |à 5 Pagesï » ¿Healthcare Communication 2 Healthcare Communication Methods This report is about healthcare communication methods and the effect of HIPAA on the use of these methods. These two constructs are particularly discussed in the context of a situation when a local nursing home is to be purchased by national group and the work force in it will be affected by this administrative change. It is also expected that structural changes will take place and a new culture will be introduced. It is to be taken inRead MoreSopa, Dmca, And Hipaa1708 Words à |à 7 PagesAlexander Lau ITP ââ¬â 125 Final Paper May 7, 2016 SOPA, DMCA, and HIPAA With the introduction of computers and the internet opens limitless possibilities for the world to become so much more interconnected and interactive. However, that same limitless potential is both a blessing and a curse. The open internet is a system that allows for unlimited access to almost any sort of information. That same openness makes security for oneââ¬â¢s self difficult and there isnââ¬â¢t anyone who is completely secure. TheRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act ( Hipaa )1113 Words à |à 5 PagesMost of us are familiar with The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), as the federal law that ensures protection and security of patientsââ¬â¢ personal and health information. Its initial purpose was to protect transmittal of electronic health information as technology began replacing paper (records, communications, and such.) While our personal information is being protected, and it prevents insurance companies from usin g this information against us when they are determiningRead MoreKaplan Scavenger Hunt Paper : Analysis1482 Words à |à 6 PagesPreparing for the Exam. The Remediation by Topic section offers students summaries of topics like Confidentiality, Critical Thinking Skills, and HIPAA. The Focused Review Test section offers an option to create a test to use as a study aid. This paper will give a summary of the topics, Critical Thinking Skills, the NCLEX-RN, and Therapeutic Communication. This paper will also discuss which methods are the most important for students to use to be successful in nursing school. Nursing School Success:Read MoreUse Of Technology And Social Media1564 Words à |à 7 Pageselectronically communication tool. Information spreads and people retain information that is posted on social media. According to Pew Research Centerââ¬â¢s article ââ¬Å"Social Media Usage:2005-2015â⬠, almost two-thirds of the American adults which composes about 65% of the population, uses social networking sites (Perrin, 2015). Two-thirds of the adult population reflects on the amplification of usage upon teens and upcoming generations. Perrin stresses that social media has affected politics, work, communication patternsRead MoreA View Into Social Media And Healthcare1581 Words à |à 7 PagesCan, but Dare We? A View into Social Media and Healthcare ââ¬Å"According to the Measuring the Information Society Report 2014 by the International Telecommunication Union, nearly 3,000 million people use the Internet, which is more than 40% of the world s population (7,200 million). There are almost as many mobile-cellular subscriptions (6.9 billion) as people on Earth, more than three quarters of them (5.4 billion) in the developing world, and more than half (3.6 billion) in the Asia-Pacific regionâ⬠Read MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1683 Words à |à 7 Pagesand undressed patient by a nurse is not only unprofessional but also it is unethical and illegal even though possibly it wasnââ¬â¢t done intentionally. ââ¬Å"Nurses are legally and ethically obligated to keep information about their patients confidentialâ⬠(HIPAA, 2011). So, if I were the nurse on morning duty who had found the cell phone, I would give the cell phone to the supervisor immediately and state exactly how I found it. Because I would not like to put at risk my license and my career for another nurseRead MoreApplying Technology Into The Health Care Industry1331 Words à |à 6 Pagesconsumersââ¬âmore importantly known as the patients. The implementation of an electronic health record, commonly known as an EHR, align with, but are not limited to, achievements such as improved quality of care, reduced medical errors, and enriched communication. ââ¬â¹To begin with, the health care industry broadly focuses on two important roles: (1) assisting and treating the patient to the best of oneââ¬â¢s ability and (2) proactively expanding preventative health. As stated above, society has shifted to theRead MoreSocial Medias Impact On American Society1598 Words à |à 7 Pagesimpact in American society. It has a profound influence and intertwined itself in almost every aspect of the average Americanââ¬â¢s life. It ranges from providing updates of location of a person(s), events, and sharing personal moments. Even different industries are utilizing social media as a platform for communication, information, and sales mediums. One industry, the health care field has seen a rise in the utilization of social media. For instance, an emerging population of physicians are using social
The Use of Physical Space in Architecture Free Essays
Physical infinite The term environment is burdensome to cover with when trying to definite it briefly. However as Caldwell ( 1980 ) assert ââ¬Å"everyone understands the term but cipher is able to specify itâ⬠. One needs to be sedulous, both in identify and curtailing it range because it circumscribe anything from the biosphere to the smallest animal ( Ladan, 2009 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on The Use of Physical Space in Architecture or any similar topic only for you Order Now The environment on an international graduated table is given by the wide scopes of issue being addressed globally. It includes sustainable usage of natural resources, biodiversity, and outstanding natural heritage, protection of the ozone bed, atmosphere, clime, and quality of life, safeguarding of human wellness and therefore doing environmental construction and infinites handiness to all. With a broader position, the environment encompasses the physical, economic, cultural, aesthetic and societal infinites. For this thesis work, accent shall be on the physical infinite, which is an built-in portion of the environment. The physical infinite here refers to the built environment. The position of designers and metropolis interior decorators are such that the physical environment, to a big extent is referred to as the reinforced environment. Ahianaba, Dimuna and Okungun ( 2008 ) stated that, construct environment is the edifices and infinites between them. There is a relationship and interaction between the edifices and the infinites. The reinforced environment in many developing states is going increasingly worse. Peculiarly Nigeria built environment is in a province of desperation. Harmonizing to World Bank ( 2005 ) , a batch of factors are therefore accountable to the deteriorating position of Nigerian built environment. Unplanned metropolis design attacks, rural-urban migration, rapid urbanisation, regular economic downswings, neglect of urban housework, rot of urban substructures, to call but a few of them. Another important discouraging factor of the Nigerian urban built environment is non-compliance with constructing bye-laws and ordinances. This inatten tiveness consequences continually brings traffic hurt, dehumanisation and overturns the civic pride ( Ahianaba et al. , 2008 ) . Ahianaba et al. , ( 2008 ) further argues that in the formation of any environment, the physical environment is considered as the most of import built-in. The physical environment helps organisms, persons and at big, the public a direct contact and interaction. This interaction and relationship are largely obvious and existent. The relationship between human wellness and the physical infinite canââ¬â¢t be over-emphasised. An improved lodging system with handiness for all characteristics, good sanitation, recreational installations, and environmental hygiene could put a gait for an enabling built environment. The issues of overcrowding, slums development and homesteader colony, all have negative influences on our built environment. One of the focal point of this research work is to grok how a individual quandary i.e. an architectural design in the reinforced environment is keeping the people from really personal to economic domain of life. In an effort to unknot this individual design hindrance, we need to holistically look at the Nigeria built environment. It is non a far fetch truth that developed states are seeking and recommending remodelling of old edifices and increasing handiness characteristics in new edifices to carter for the turning handicapped and elderly public. ( ADA 2010 ; Equality Act 2010 ; ILO 2002 ; UNCRPD 2006 ) . In Nigeria context as enunciated by Ahianba ( 2008 ) , Nigeria built environment is fast decaying. A putrefy built environment can therefore non concentrate on handiness characteristic, her precedence will be how to acquire out the present province of desperation. The Nigeria built environment, deteriorating as a consequence of rural built environment missing proviso of basic comfortss. Where this comfortss are provided, they are unequal and do non work efficaciously due to laxness of relevant Nigeria governments. This has led to high rate of rural-urban migration. The urban infinite, hence has to postulate with overcrowding, substandard lodging system. As a consequence of this migration displacement from rural infinite to urban infinite, force per unit areas are on designers and metropolis interior decorators to carter for the pullulating migrating public. Nigeria characterised of an unplanned physical infinite, has two issues to face with. Suiting the new urban inhabitant and how efficaciously they will take part in the degenerating ââ¬Å"unplannedâ⬠urban infinite. Ahianba et al. , ( 2008 ) , posit that ââ¬Å"to better our built environment, there should be proviso of basic infrastructural comfortss, standard lodging, decrease of ove rcrowding, good sanitation and conformity with edifice bye-laws and regulationâ⬠Nigeria urban infinite is overcrowded as a consequence of addition in her population and deficient lodging. Lagos, Ibadan, kano, Enugu, Benin metropolis etc. , are Nigeria high denseness urban metropoliss. The ratio of tenancy per room in urban infinites is every bit high as 1:6 or 1:10 ( Federal Offices of Statics, 2001 ) . Overcrowding of Nigeria public infinite causes environmental pollution, deteriorate professional and societal services, destroys the beaches, recreational installations and Parkss, etc. ( Dubos, 1967 ) . The overcrowding issues of our urban infinite restraint the authorities into looking at the how the public infinites could be accessible and functional for her senior citizen as they age. Government range is being limited to how to decide the overcrowding. Disability and handiness as a societal issue ( Gleeson 1993 ; Oliver 1996 ) is a job that has a societal and wellness effects ( Asbell 1975 ; Chombant 1979 ) .The United Nation ( 1975 ) believes that African li ves in brooding and interact in a public infinite that is parlous and a cause of human indignity. This is largely reflected in Nigeria lodging system, which sometimes lacks conventional and natural airing, illuming and sunlight shading devices, buffers to cut down noise pollution and walkers for walk-way way of her people. These issues canââ¬â¢t be over-emphasised, they are indispensable aspect of comfy life. The urban infinites are non planned, it is a merchandise of ââ¬Å"grownâ⬠development. It sprang and developed from small towns and trade station. However, they still retain their disused semi-permanent edifices. These are grounds for Nigeria edifices, jumping up randomly, roads are narrow, colony are homesteaders, addition rate of slum development, seamy environment, deficient traffic marks, etc. The hapless airing in Nigerian edifice designs causes her citizens to kip outside during dry season. Their house are either non good cross-ventilated or being block by another house or fencing. World Health Organisation nucleus map includes publicity of good lodging, enabling public infinites which must be environmentally hygienic ( WHO, 1946 ) . Borrowing from Osuide ( 2004 ) , one of the cardinal self-respect, physical and mental wellness, is holding a safe topographic point to brood. Odomudu ( 1987 ) and Sarinen ( 1966 ) argues that a good home and a functional public infinite esca late the well-being and aspiration of the people because the dwelling topographic point and public infinites are where domestic and personal map of each persons takes topographic points. The physical and mental wellness of a individual depends greatly on his or her environment. An person and his or her place are centerpiece of society ( Aihana et al. , 2008 ) . Harmonizing to Ahianba et al. , ( 2008 ) , to accomplish a functional and healthier built environment, on a Nigeria context, based on her present built environment quandary. Creation of aesthetics values, fancify the urban environment, good landscape gardening and ocular satisfying unfastened infinites should be integrated into the design strategy of designers and metropolis interior decorators. Advocating of an equal urban and rural colony, which should be conceptualised in an orderly manner manner of a good professionals be aftering. Government policies should be re-evaluated with a possibility for amendment and new Torahs or Acts of the Apostless emanating and rigorous conformity with bing edifice jurisprudence. Non-compliance with Nigeria constructing bye-laws and ordinances is one of the indispensable factor responsible for Nigeria disintegrating built environment ( Ahianba et al. , 2008 ) . In the sub subdivision of this chapter, it holistically looks at Nigeria constructing by e-laws and ordinances with the position that if the jurisprudence is being purely adhere to, possibly, it will further better the quality of Nigeria built environment and possibly, accessible to all her people. The town planning regulations and Torahs are being violated, which resulted to improper planning of the environment. In the creative activity of a reinforced environment, the issue of lodging is non an exceeding. Salama ( 2006 ) argues that lodging is the platform for the creative activity of life environment for adult male and his cater for his psychological and societal development. The issue of handiness in a adult male ââ¬Ës house ca nââ¬â¢t be overemphasized because lodging transcend the physical dimension of shelter proviso for adult male but it encompasses the general environment within the edifice, which avail societal services and infrastructural services for optimal satisfaction of the utilizing public. Housing as a entire environment in which adult male lives and turn, should hold handiness characteristic included at the abrasion of the architectural design and non improvised at building or usage phase. The handiness issue therefore correlative between the quality of life and the quality of the physical environment in which 1s lives. Housing signifiers in Nigeria have over the old ages wear a enormous alterations in content, signifier, construction and spacial planning as a consequence of our delicate planet, alteration is the lone changeless thing. This changes harmonizing to saââ¬â¢ad and ogunsusi ( 1996 ) have unerasable effects on the life styles of Nigerians and it therefore affects their orientation of the physical infinite. Housing as a contemplation of cultural, societal and economic values of any society as to be given proper consideration of planning and governmental policy should be geared toward achieving a humane and antiphonal environment. Housing which is a signifier of shelter and a larger portion of any states built environment, is one of the basic necessity of manââ¬â¢s being. Olotuah ( 1997a, 2002a ) argues that the insufficiency of lodging threatens the very footing of his beings. It enhances the public assistance, societal engagement and productiveness of adult male. The United Nation ( 1971 ) adopted that every citizens deserve an entree to adequate lodging without any hinderance whatsoever. The UN ( 1971 ) and by its indorsement in 1976 by 131 other states, was bore out of the fortunes of the demand to better the lodging criterion and insufficiency of the nationââ¬â¢s hapless bulk. Her cardinal purpose is the proviso of appropriate lodging within the economic range of the bulk of the public. Nigeria is a party to this pact but yet Nigeria authorities still finds it difficult to supply an enabling environment for lodging proviso, allow entirely an accessible lodging for her people. ( Olotuah, 2002a ) . The Nigerian authorities lodging programmes have non been able to fit the lifting public. It been left to the custodies of the private sectors. In Nigeria today, the private sector provide the majority of the lodging stock which do non hold handiness characteristic because their designs are non socially oriented but net income oriented ( Olotuah, 2009 ) . For this ground vast of the public will non look out for handiness characteristics in the edifice, instead will see how the lodging stock could be increased to run into the high demand. It is the sentiment of the research worker that every bit much as there is a diminution in the Nigeria lodging stock. Introduction of accessible characteristic in new designs and an effort to reconstruct bing constructions, will non incur an excess cost of building but it will assist advance the United Nations ( 1979 ) acceptance. Furthermore, doing the Nigeria built environment friendlier and less discriminatory to the people of different capablenes ss, which do hold their ain socio-economic values to the economic system of the state. The Nigerian designers have a great function to play in face-lifting of our reinforced environment. The quality of human home ground is a cardinal architectural issue in achieving a humane and antiphonal environment ( Olotuah, 2009 ) . The architectural design must be in such a manner that it improves the quality of the human environment through an orderly development of the human environment. How to cite The Use of Physical Space in Architecture, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Socio Cultural Environment of Saudi Arabia
Population According to the April 2010 Census, Saudi Arabiaââ¬â¢s population was 27,136,977 as at that year. It is now estimated that the population could be close to 27,500,000 at present. This population comprises of about 18,707,576 Saudi nationals; those who are not citizens of the country are about 8,429,401. The population has a rapid growth with youths accounting for the majority of the population (Lippman 6).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Socio Cultural Environment of Saudi Arabia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Education The education system in Saudi Arabia is exclusively managed by the Ministry of Education assisted by the Ministry of Higher Education. The system comprises about 25,000 schools, 24 public universities and about 8 private ones. Every Saudi citizen is entitled to free education and other educational amenities (Lippman 126). Language In Saudi Arabia, Arabic is considered the official language and is used in most of the places including schools and other social places. English is taken as a compulsory second language in schools and it is used mostly in companies, hotels and in schools where it is taught (Zuhur 246). Aesthetics Most of the Saudis dress in a traditional fashion to preserve their customary values. Some things such as alcoholic drinks are prohibited as they go against the religious teachings. Public exhibitions are considered unacceptable as far as domestic matters are concerned (Zirinski 129). Religion Saudi Arabia is regarded as an Islamic theocratic dominion in which Islam is the only official religion. Almost all Saudi citizens are Muslims and the only exceptions are passport holders. The other major religions in the country include Christianity and Hinduism, which are mainly practiced by non-Saudi citizens (Zuhur 18). Technology Technology in Saudi Arabia is managed by Communications and Information Technology Commission. It regulates and hosts a firewall, which determines what is contained on the websites that are accessible in the country. Currently, Saudi Arabia is one of the Asian countries that have recorded significant developments in technology (Zirinski 131). Political Discourse Political discourse in Saudi Arabia manipulates devout Muslims to comply with the authorities by showing absolute obedience to their rulers. Saudi Arabiaââ¬â¢s political discourse prohibits citizens from criticizing their leaders in public. It is a criminal offence to be found making public criticisms about a ruler (Kamrava 341).Advertising Looking for report on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Social Organizations Saudiââ¬â¢s population has always consisted of nomads, villagers and a small number of townspeople. Kinship model is considered pervasive in the country with a lot importance given to the extended family as a unit of social organization (Kamrava 342). Values and Attitudes Arabs in Saudi Arabia believe that their dignity and honour are everything and should be well preserved. They also believe that people should be loyal to their families and that someoneââ¬â¢s social class and family background determine their positions in the society. Their leading attitude is that everyone should believe in God to have a religious attachment (Zuhur 200). Comparing Hofstedeââ¬â¢s Dimensions of Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates Hofstedeââ¬â¢s dimensions measure how low class individuals in organizations, institutions, and society at large accept and expect resources to be distributed equally to every member of the society. The dimensions assert that the level of equality in a society is mainly determined by the common citizens rather than the leaders. Saudi Arabia has a higher score of the Hofstedeââ¬â¢s dimensions as compared to the United Arab Emirates. The high scores of Saudi Arabia indicate that the there is a large gap betw een the rich people and the poor ones. The low scores of United Emirates show that the region has as many wealthy people as the poor ones (Barnes 320). Works Cited Barnes, David. Operations Management: An International Perspective. London: Thomson Learning, 2008. Print. Kamrava, Mehran. The Nodern Middle East: A political History Since the First World War. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2010. Print. Lippman, Thomas. Saudi Arabia on the Edge: The Uncertain Future of an American Ally. Washington, DC: Potomac Books, 2012. Print.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Socio Cultural Environment of Saudi Arabia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Zirinski, Roni. Ad Hoc Arabism: Advertising, Culture, and Technology in Saudi Arabia. New York, NY: Lang, 2005. Print. Zuhur, Sherifa. Saudi Arabia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2011. Print. This report on Socio Cultural Environment of Saudi Arabia was written and submitted by user Megan Walter to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, March 2, 2020
Italian Present Perfect Tense - Il Passato Prossimo
Italian Present Perfect Tense - Il Passato Prossimo The passato prossimo- grammatically referred to as the present perfect- expresses a fact or action that happened in the recent past or that occurred long ago but still has ties to the present. Itââ¬â¢s a compound tense (tempo composto), which means that you need to use an auxiliary verbà - either ââ¬Å"essereâ⬠or ââ¬Å"avereâ⬠- à plus a past participle. An example of a past participle would be ââ¬Å"mangiatoâ⬠for the verb ââ¬Å"mangiareâ⬠. If you want to talk about events that happened repeatedly in the past, like going to your Italian lesson every Sunday, or telling a story, youââ¬â¢ll need to use the imperfect tense. Here Are a Few Examples of How the Passato Prossimoà Appears in Italian: Ti ho appena chiamato. - I just called you.Mi sono iscritto/a alluniversit quattro anni fa. - I entered university four years ago.Questa mattina sono uscito/a presto. - This morning I left early.Il Petrarca ha scritto sonetti immortali. - Petrarca wrote enduring sonnets. How to Form the Past Tense In order to form the past tense, there are two main things you need to know. Does the verb you want to use need the auxiliary verb ââ¬Å"essereâ⬠or ââ¬Å"avereâ⬠?What is the past participle of the verb you want to use? For example, if you wanted to say, ââ¬Å"I went to Rome last summerâ⬠, you would need to use the verb ââ¬Å"andareâ⬠. The verb ââ¬Å"andareâ⬠takes the verb ââ¬Å"essereâ⬠as a helper, or auxiliary, verb because itââ¬â¢s a verb that has to do with motion. Then, the past participle of the verb ââ¬Å"andareâ⬠is ââ¬Å"andatoâ⬠. However, when you use the verb ââ¬Å"essereâ⬠as an auxiliary verb, the past participle MUST agree in number and gender. Ad esempio: Lââ¬â¢estate scorsa sono andato a Roma. - I went to Rome last summer. (masculine, singular)Lââ¬â¢estate scorsa sono andata a Roma. - I went to Rome last summer. (feminine, singular)Lââ¬â¢estate scorsa mia sorella e mia madre sono andate a Roma. - My sister and mother went to Rome last summer. (feminine, plural)Lââ¬â¢estate scorsa siamo andati a Roma. - We went to Rome last summer. (masculine, plural) If youââ¬â¢re using ââ¬Å"avereâ⬠as an auxiliary verb, itââ¬â¢s much simpler as the past participle does not have to agree in number and gender (that is, unless youââ¬â¢re using direct object pronouns.) For example, letââ¬â¢s use the sentence, ââ¬Å"I watched that movieâ⬠. First, you need to use the verb ââ¬Å"guardare - to watchâ⬠. The past participle of ââ¬Å"guardareâ⬠is ââ¬Å"guardatoâ⬠. Then you conjugate your auxiliary verb ââ¬Å"avereâ⬠into the first person singular, which is ââ¬Å"hoâ⬠. The sentence then becomes, ââ¬Å"Ho guardato quel filmâ⬠. TIP: If the verb youââ¬â¢re using is reflexive, like ââ¬Å"innamorarsi - to fall in loveâ⬠, you need to use ââ¬Å"essereâ⬠as your auxiliary verb. For example, ââ¬Å"Ci siamo innamorati due anni fa. - We fell in love two years ago.â⬠When to Use Il Passato Prossimo (Present Perfect) Instead of Lââ¬â¢Imperfetto (Imperfect) It is notoriously difficult to correctly decide between il passato prossimo and lââ¬â¢imperfetto when you try talking about the past in Italian. While there are some rules for when to choose one or the other, itââ¬â¢s also helpful to know which phrases are typically used with il passato prossimo. The following table lists some adverbial expressions that are often used with the passato prossimo: Common Expressions Used With Il Passato Prossimo ieri yesterday ieri pomeriggio yesterday afternoon ieri sera last night il mese scorso last month laltro giorno the other day stamattina this morning tre giorni fa three days ago
Friday, February 14, 2020
Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words
Outsourcing - Essay Example This paper shall begin by defining outsourcing and then describing the different forms of outsourcing. Next it shall outline why organizations opt to outsource and how they select what to or not to outsource. The paper shall then dwell on the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing from two perspectives: from the point of view of a company and from the point of view of our country, the United States of America. 2.0. Definition of outsourcing Outsourcing has been defined differently by different authors. Overby (1) defines it as the farming out of services to a third party and Lee (323) as the process of turning over part or all of an organizationââ¬â¢s functions to external service provider(s). Everett (1) defines outsourcing is a leveraged business model that allows flexible use of the most appropriate resources for a particular project whereas Strassman (51) views it from a completely different angle and defines outsourcing as the distribution of labor and knowledge through specialization. Nevertheless, all these authors concur that outsourcing is deployed for purpose of gaining economic, technological and strategic benefits. Often, people confuse outsourcing with offshoring, which should not be the case. Offshoring, as we shall see in the other sections of this paper is a subset of outsourcing. 3.0. Types of outsourcing There are several types of outsourcing depending on the classification system used. Knowing the classification system and type of outsourcing vendor aides the organization in devising rules of engagement, deliverables and service level agreements. 3.1. Think 180 outsourcing classification The first form of classification system that we... The paper throws light on outsourcing. Overby defines it as the farming out of services to a third party and Lee as the process of turning over part or all of an organizationââ¬â¢s functions to external service provider(s). Everett defines outsourcing is a leveraged business model that allows flexible use of the most appropriate resources for a particular project whereas Strassman views it from a completely different angle and defines outsourcing as the distribution of labor and knowledge through specialization. Nevertheless, all these authors concur that outsourcing is deployed for purpose of gaining economic, technological and strategic benefits. Often, people confuse outsourcing with offshoring, which should not be the case. Offshoring, as we shall see in the other sections of this paper is a subset of outsourcing. There are several types of outsourcing depending on the classification system used. Knowing the classification system and type of outsourcing vendor aides the organi zation in devising rules of engagement, deliverables and service level agreements. The first form of classification system that we shall look at has been developed by a firm called Think180. The former looks at the level to which the outsourced function is integrated with company operations, and whether the vendor participates in the meetings and decisions of the business while the latter looks at the entity that receives the results of the outsourced function.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Questions on Program Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation Essay
Questions on Program Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation - Essay Example Public goods are very good example of market failure. Market failure exists when the production or use of goods and services by the market is not efficient. It leads to the free rider problem. Causian solution is a very fair solution to this problem. It is a mechanism by which the potential beneficiaries of a public band together and pool their band together and pool their resources based on their willingness to pay to create the public good. Me rover if the transaction cost between the beneficiaries are sufficiently low then an adequate level of public good production can occur even under competitive free market condition. Q.2 what are the essential elements of the classical experimental design (CED) in evaluation research Define the concept "threat to validity," and identify the threats to validity which a classical experiment does and does not address. Sol. evaluation is a systematic determination of merit, worth, and significance of something. it someone using criteria using a set of standards it is a methodological area than is closely related to, but distinguishable from more traditional social research while the design of experiments is a theory concerning minimum number of experiments necessary to develop an empirical model of a research question and methodology for setting up the necessary experiments. There are various elements of classical experimental design related to research evaluation research such as replications, variations, internal validity, and reproducibility. Concept of validity: the validity of study reflects the accuracy of the results. Matter of validity can bring complexity. So the principal concerns of validity should be straightforward and its consideration is very necessary in every evaluation. Validity can be classified as internal and external validity. Empirical there are too many problem that needs t o be solved experimentally or by observations. Different research designs are susceptible to various types of validity threats such as the common pre/post design. However it is not valid for what we know as malnutrition effect .another common threat to validity is knows as history effects. It is different from that of malnutrition effects. Selection effects, mortality effects and threats to external validity are next in the cue. These above are the threats to validity that a classical experiment does addresses Q.3 Describe the steps in the "prospective evaluation" methodology recommended by the GAO. Address the question, Should all new public programs or policies be subjected to prospective evaluation Sol. GAO has developed the PES as a systematic method for fulfilling congressional request for analyzing proposed legislation and helping and helping identify top-priority
Friday, January 24, 2020
Irony and Social Commentary in Pride and Prejudice Essay -- Jane Auste
Irony and social commentary in ââ¬Å"Pride and Prejudiceâ⬠Like any other society, nineteenth-century England had its share of foppish fools and fawning leeches, hot-blooded lovers and garrulous, gossiping women. While few people exhibit these failings with abandonment, few escape their taint altogether. In the novel ââ¬Å"Pride and Prejudice,â⬠the author Jane Austen satirizes these instances of ââ¬â not social evilsââ¬â rather, unpleasant social peculiarities, via a most careful use of irony in the dialogues and thoughts of some of her most delightful characters. The main character indulging in this precious commodity is Mr. Bennet, whom Austen considers important enough that a razor-sharp wit forms a necessary part of his personality. The irony is chiefly exhibited in two ways: a general ambience that results from a frequent use of satirical language (as for instance, the incessant use of antithesis in the conversations) and brief but concentrated attacks by Mr. Bennet against all forms of foolishness ââ¬â harmless or otherwise. All the formulaic mannerisms affected by the people in his society as well as the social obligations that create them become the target of Mr. Bennetââ¬â¢s criticism. However, it is clear that Mr. Bennet is very much a part of the society that he so readily despises. That he persists in making fun of it is what makes his ripostes so rife with incongruity. The novel contains a large array of conversations between different characters; these conversations are, in keeping with the style that prevailed in that period, quite elaborate, indeed sometimes to the point of tedium. Austen portrays an attitude of unflagging boredom in Mr. Bennet when confronted with such speeches, through his incessant ironic asides. T... ...eaning in these seemingly innocuous words, for the former implies prostitution and the latter ââ¬â a dishonorable pregnancy with a bastard child. Given the venomous character of such fairly commonplace gossip ââ¬â even among the presumably ââ¬Ërespectableââ¬â¢ rural middle-class ââ¬â ââ¬â¢tis no wonder that Austen rallies against such a harmful form of frivolity. Austen therefore uses the difficult tool of irony to great effect in portraying the foolishness ââ¬â both harmful and harmless ââ¬â which afflicts most people. In doing so, she effectively delivers social commentary presumably for the purpose of correcting these defects in character of her fellow Englishmen. Along the way, the reader is delightfully entertained by the fools inhabiting ââ¬Å"Pride and Prejudiceâ⬠as well as the personalities that persist in denouncing it, in a manner that is at times more farcical than satirical. 6
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Louis Vuitton Malletier V Dooney & Bourke Inc
Louis Vuitton Malletier v Dooney & Bourke Inc. In this famous case known as the ââ¬Å"Battle of the Handbagsâ⬠Louis Vuitton (LV) sues Dooney & Burke (D&B) for trademark infringement of its multicolore line. The Plaintiff, Louis Vuitton Malletier ,is a French fashion house founded in 1854 by Louis Vuitton. The famous label is well known for its LV monogram, which is featured on most of its products. Louis Vuitton is considered as one of the worldââ¬â¢s most valuable and prestigious brands. The LV monogram was created in 1896 by Louisââ¬â¢ son Georges Vuitton who invented the symbol and the letters represent his fatherââ¬â¢s initials.The logo is a Japanese-inspired flower motif which initially was created as a way to prevent counterfeiting. This memorable logo is now synonymous with luxury, brilliance and indulgence. It is the world's 29th most valuable brand and is estimated to be worth over $19 billion USD. Unfortunately, Louis Vuitton is one of the most counterfeited brands in the fashion world due to its image as a status symbol. The company takes counterfeiting seriously, and uses all its possible resources to fight counterfeiting. The Defendant, Dooney & Bourke, is an American company founded in 1975 by Peter Dooney and Frederic Bourke.The company specializes in fashion accessories and is best known for its high quality handbags, accessories, and travel luggage. Their Signature and Mini Signature handbags consist of the ââ¬Å"DBâ⬠initials interlocking in a repeating pattern. The founders of the company started off with two introductory products: surcingle belts and suspenders for men. Their products became very popular due to their unique design and color. Now Dooney & Bourke is a well-known brand in America and has a good reputation for making quality products. The defining look of Dooney & Bourke is elegant and sophisticated, but above all, it is timeless.Its classic designs make these handbags the perfect accessory for any outfit d ue to the superior quality and unique form. In 2002, the designer Marc Jacobs invited the Japanese artist Takashi Murakami to come up with a fresh take on the Louis Vuitton â⬠toile monogramâ⬠famous entwined LV logo intermixed with flower shapes for a new line of bags. This led to the creation of the Monogram Multicolore design, in 33 colors, displayed on handbags in a repeating pattern against a white or black background. The bags made their debut on Paris runways in October 2002 and were then presented in prestige retail outlets in March 003, where they sold for up to $3,950. Previously LV registered its famous LV monogram design pattern and the individual unique shapes as trademarks with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. In July 2003 D in collaboration with Teen Vogue developed a new line of handbags for teenagers. It was launched as the ââ¬Å"It Bagâ⬠collection. The pattern on the purses consisted of the entwined ââ¬Å"DBâ⬠initials printed in contracting colors on variety of colored backgrounds and white and black background. D released handbag line looked similar to Louis Vuitton's trendy model, but the price was significantly lower.Considering the fact that Louis Vuitton fights counterfeiting very aggressively, not surprisingly, the matter ended up in the courts. LV immediately viewed the ââ¬Å"It Bagâ⬠as a copy of their design. When Louis Vuitton gathered with legal counsel on their options to file suit against Dooney and Bourke, they became aware of the alternatives that were available to them in order to move forward. For designers and manufacturers in the American Fashion industry, there are four possible avenues to explore: 1) Copyright protection, 2) Patent protection, 3) Trade Dress protection and 4) Trademark protection.Copyright protection covers a range of categories including literacy, musical, dramatic, choreographic, pictorial and architectural works. Within this range, the only one that is applica ble to fashion designs is pictorial, as it shields two- and three- dimensional works. Patent protection shields any ââ¬Å"new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereofâ⬠. Since the design in the fashion industry rarely creates a new process, machine or manufactures, they have a separate statute specifically for them for new, original and ornamental design for an article of manufacture.Trade dress protection is addressed under the Lanham Act to defend the design and appearance of the product as well as that of the container and all elements making up the total visual image by which the product is presented to customers. Colors have also been addressed under the Trade dress protection in which the United States Supreme Court has stated that the color and designs of a product are only protected under the Lanham Act if a secondary meaning has been demonstrated.Color and design must be associated by the customer fo r that particular product over time. In 2004, the legal team decided to advance with option 4: Trademark protection. They claimed trademark infringement, trademark dilution, as well as unfair competition and false designation. Trademark infringement harbors a manufacturer or sellerââ¬â¢s product to include a word, slogan or symbol. For instance, Apple is an example of a word that cannot be used in relationship with software or computers as it will cause confusion from a consumerââ¬â¢s perspective.Nike holds the trademark of the slogan ââ¬Å"Just Do Itâ⬠that is associated with its product and McDonaldââ¬â¢s hold trademark of the golden arches symbol. In some instances this protection can extend to other properties such as its color or even its packaging. For trademark dilution claims, the distinctive quality of a mark must be diluted by blurring or tarnishment. However, the likelihood of confusion is not necessary. Unfair competition and false designation is character ized as likely to cause confusion, mistake or deceive the consumer.Section 43(a) states ââ¬Å"any person who on or in connection with any goods or services, or any container goods, used in commerce any word, term, name or symbol, or device, or any combination therefore, or any false designation of origin, false or misleading description of fact, or false or misleading representation of fact which a) is likely to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive as to the affiliation, connection, or association of such person with another person, or as to the origin, sponsorship, or approval or her goods, services, or commercial activities by another person, or (b) in commercial advertising or promotion, misrepresents the nature, characteristics, qualities or geographic origin of his or her or another person's goods, services or commercial activities, shall be liable in a civil action by any person who believes that he or she is or is likely to be damaged by such act. â⬠In a ddition under sections 32 and 43(a) of the Lanham Act, trademark protection extends above the registered trademarks to the unregistered trademarks from misuse or reproduction in commerce. Once a trademark is established as fundamentally distinctive or to have developed secondary meaning, as well as protection under the Lanham Act, one can then address the likelihood of confusion under trademark infringement.Statutes require a sense of clear case situation as well as a specific element of which the claim can be proven as a violation of the law. This means that sequential evidence is needed, as this poses the validity of the claim and further makes the justification of the case. Without this evidence, the case could be deemed as void, as there is no possible evidence that can prove the claim. Statutes also require the clarity of the case, which means the details of the case or the violation should be given in chronological order so that the justifications set for the claim as well as the laws that could be used to make it more justified could be legally provided.There is actually a varied definition on how violations of laws happen. There are times when a crime committed may not be a violation of the law, or the violation of the law is not a crime. This happens when the crime being claimed is not part of the scope of the statute, or there is no existing law for such crime. Therefore this results in deliberating on whether the action indeed is a crime or a violation of the law. Situations such as this often arise from actions where the defendant is ignorant of the law which he has violated. In addition, the claimant can be the one who is ignorant of the law when he laid evidence on the ââ¬Ëcrimeââ¬â¢ allegedly committed by the defendant.Now that we have a thorough understanding of the applicable laws, the rules that govern those laws and what are required by the statutes to prove a violation of law we can examine how the case unfolded. As previously stated, Vuitton filed suit against D&B in April of 2004 in the United States District court for the Southern District of New York, claiming trademark infringement, unfair competition and false designation, and trademark dilution. Vuitton moved for a preliminary injunction against D&B which would have stopped sales of the ââ¬Å"it bagâ⬠until the case was resolved. The District court ruled in favor of D&B and Vuitton was not granted the injunction. In determining trademark infringement the court applied the two prong test required of Section 43 of the Lanham Act.First the test looks to whether or not the mark merits protection by determining if the unregistered trademark is distinctive or has achieved secondary meaning. In this case the district court did find that Vuittonââ¬â¢s design was distinctive and had garnered secondary meaning in the market place. The second part of the test involves deciding whether the defendantââ¬â¢s use of the mark is likely to cause consumers confu sion as to the origin or sponsorship of the defendantââ¬â¢s goods. Accordingly the court then examined the eight factors weighed in determining likelihood of confusion: 1) the strength of the mark, 2) the similarity between the marks, 3) the proximity of the roducts, 4) the likelihood that the plaintiff will bridge the gap between the markets of the two marks, 5) actual confusion, 6) the defendants good faith in using his or her mark, 7) the quality of the defendantââ¬â¢s product, and 8) the sophistication of the customers. The district court ruled that there was no likelihood of confusion based on its evaluation of the 8 factors and thus denied the injunction. In addition, the district court found that Vuitton was unable to prove trademark dilution. LV appealed the injunction denial to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals hoping to force the court into making a more broad judgment with regard ââ¬Å"design piracyâ⬠. Unfortunately for Vuitton the court was not in the mood to make a statement in favor of protecting designers.Rather than make itsââ¬â¢ own ruling on the case, based on the facts laid out before the court, the Second Circuit instead focused on a mistake by the district court in its application of the standard of likelihood of confusion. The Second Circuit had previously held in Louis Vuitton Malletier v. Burlington Coat Factory that courts must use a sequential market place comparison rather than a side by side comparison when applying the standard of likelihood of confusion. The district court had used a side by side comparison that the Second Circuit deemed improper. In addition, the Second Circuit agreed with the district court that LV was not able to prove trademark dilution at the federal level.In order to prove trademark dilution the plaintiff must demonstrate the following; ââ¬Å"its mark is famous, the defendant is making commercial use of the mark in commerce, the defendants use began after the mark became famous, the defenda nts use of the mark dilutes the quality of the mark by diminishing the capacity of the mark to identify and distinguish goods and servicesâ⬠. Vuitton was able to prove the first three requirements but was unable to prove actual dilution. While the court did agree that LV could not prove actual dilution (the federal requirement) they vacated the injunction at the state level due to the fact that it only requires LV to show likelihood of dilution.The Second Circuit decided to remand the similarity of the marks factor back to the district court for reconsideration. This meant that the district court would use the sequential market place comparison when examining the similarity of the marks and hold onto all other previous analysis of the likelihood of confusion factors. Even if the market place comparison had an effect on that one factor it was very unlikely to affect the outcome of the district courtââ¬â¢s ruling because the similarity of the marks was just one of eight weight ed factors. The Second Circuit was essentially making a statement with its handling of this case that it was not prepared to make a precedent setting ruling on the lack of protection for ââ¬Å"design piracyâ⬠in the fashion industry.Even if they desired to address the topic, strictly following the established law would have prevented them from coming up with a different result. The court may have felt that any perceived or real injustice plaguing the fashion industry should be handled through the adoption of written law rather than legislated from the bench. Ultimately in May of 2008 the district court granted summary judgment to D&B on all claims. The court found that Louis Vuitton did not have adequate evidence to present with regards to the trademark infringement or dilution claims. While the outcome of the case disappointed many people because D&B did copy the design, the court based its decision on the interpretation of the law.Another example of a trademark infringement case that could have implications is European Trademark v Google. Originally LV sued Google in France claiming trademark infringement from Googleââ¬â¢s AdWords program and the French court ruled in LVââ¬â¢s favor. The court held that Google was committing trademark infringement and diluting the trademark when it decided to sell the LV name to other companies in order for their site to pops up upon a search. Unfortunately for LV the European Court of Justice later ruled that Google in fact was not guilty of trademark infringement. There is a silver lining for LV. The court stated that advertisers using a trademark as a keyword can be held liable for infringement.The court specifically stated that ââ¬Å"such use of a trademark by the advertiser adversely affects the source-indicating function of the trademark if the advertisement does not enable normally informed and reasonably attentive internet users to ascertain whether goods or services referred to by the ad originate from the proprietor of the trademark or, on the contrary, originate from a third partyâ⬠. Thus, a company like Louis Vuitton does have legal recourse if it finds misleading advertisements from searches of its brand. In addition, Google can be held accountable if it was aware of the improper use of the trademark and did not take the ad or content down.The ruling could have impacted a case like Louis Vuitton Malletier v Dooney & Bourke Inc. , but instead has gone farther towards protecting companies in the fairly unregulated internet market place. In closing, companies like LV will have to continue to be extremely aggressive through the use of lawsuits in order to protect their brand. Once more laws are applied to specific industry, such as the fashion industry, it will become easier to convey. The courts can only interpret the law, not create laws to safeguard these specific industries. The courts, as well as the citizens, have to trust that the legislative branch will step up and ad dress these complex issues.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Political Relevance And Global Impact Of Mahatma...
Niloufer Bhagwatââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Political Relevance and Global Impact of Mahatma Gandhiâ⬠conveys her stance on Gandhiââ¬â¢s influence on how different groups of people combated forms of oppression. Bhagwat says ââ¬Å"wherever the political, economic, social, and ecological future of humanity andâ⬠¦ earth is debated and discussed, Gandhiji with his simple precepts provides a guidance for all generationsâ⬠(Bhagwat 33). I believe that her argument successfully convinces the reader that the principles Gandhi followed and the strategies he used, non-violent civil disobedience and non-cooperation, not Gandhi himself, left a lasting impact on the world. Earth faces many new challenges such as regions facing economic collapse, some of the most barbaric wars, and threats to the ecosystem in the 21st century despite many advancements made. Humans have become collateral damage of the market economy. Gandhiââ¬â¢s principles, strategies, and critiques, as seen through satyagraha, non-cooperation and civil disobedience, continue to guide humans with these problems. Mahatma Gandhi, testing many strategies for the best course of action, was a non-passive practical political leader who believed in the unity of mankind and a seeker of truth. He found his start in South Africa while facing discrimination of Indians by its racist government. Taking the initiative and urging his fellow Indians to take part in non-violent acts of civil disobedience, Gandhi developed a reputation few could rival. He depersonalizedShow MoreRelatedGandhi Satyagraha1402 Words à |à 6 Pagesfigures in the history of India, Mohandas K. Gandhi, also known as the Mahatma, or The Great Soul, was the spiritual and practical founder of active non-violent resistance, a concept called Satyagraha. Also known as à ¡Ã °soul-forceà ¡Ã ± or à ¡Ã °truth-forceà ¡Ã ±, Gandhi developed this revolutionary technique as a method of gaining political and social reforms against the inju stices experienced by Indians under British Colonial rule. For most of his life, Gandhi devoted himself to perfecting the SatyagrahaRead More The Debate on How Urban Middle-Class Identities Have Changed3936 Words à |à 16 Pagesworldâ⬠, itself represents a site of political debate in both academic and public discourses. Additionally there is a marked transition between what is considered the ââ¬Å"old middle-classesâ⬠and the ââ¬Å"new middle-class.â⬠Whereas the former has its origins in the ââ¬Å"colonial encounterâ⬠, the latter, since liberalisation policies initiated by Rajiv Gandhi in the 1980s came to fruition, has become increasingly defined by its consumption patterns, most apparent in an era of a global economy. Fernandes writes thatRead MoreContract Labour Audit3292 Words à |à 14 PagesProposed Synopsis on ââ¬Å"Trade Union Movement amp; its Impactâ⬠in context to BHEL, Haridwar Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Of Master of Business Administration (Session 2009-2011) SUBMITTED BY: SUBMITTED TO: VIPUL AGGARWAL MRS. KHYATI KAPIL MBA 2nd YEAR Read MoreResource and Capability4994 Words à |à 20 Pages6.2 Political Risks 17 6.3 Human Resource Risks 17 6.4 Operational Risks 17 6.5 Scale of Risk 18 7 Monitoring and Evaluation 19 7.1 Operations 19 7.2 Finance 19 7.3 Human Resource 20 7.4 Customers 20 7.5 Business Development 20 7.6 Technology 20 8 Conclusions 21 9 References 22 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY [pic] [pic] [pic] ââ¬Å"You must be the change you wish to see in world ââ¬Å"ââ¬â Mahatma Gandhi Read Moreââ¬Å"Marketing, Consumerism, Materialism and Ethics: the Modern Marketing Conundrumâ⬠4276 Words à |à 18 PagesFaced with an ever-growing number of ethical marketing issues and uncertainty about the impact of specialized ethics journals, researchers are struggling to keep abreast of developments in the field. In order to address these challenges, this paper provides a comprehensive review of the literature on marketing ethics over almost 50 years offers a citation analysis and develops a unique marketing ethics impact factor (MEIF). We contribute to the ï ¬ eld in three important ways. First, it presents a state-of-theRead MoreCultural Tourism4485 Words à |à 18 PagesGrand Tour from the 16th century onwards attests. In the 20th century, some people have claimed, culture ceased to be the objective of tourism: tourism is now culture. Cultural attractions play an important role in tourism at all levels, from the global highlights of world culture to attractions that underpin local identities. (Richards, 1996)[1] According to the Weiler and Hall, culture, heritage and the arts have long contributed to appeal of tourist destination. However, in recent years ââ¬Ëcultureââ¬â¢Read MoreCulture of India9032 Words à |à 37 Pagesamalgamation of these diverse sub-cultures is spread all over the Indian subcontinent and traditions that are several millennia old.[1] Several elements of Indias diverse culture, such as Indian religions, yoga, and Indian cuisine, have had a profound impact across the world. Pakistan and North Indian States follow the medieval Indo-Persian culture, exemplified by its musical, culinary and architectural designs like the Taj Mahal, while South India is largely independent from foreign influences ââ¬â threeRead MoreAnnihilation of Caste by Dr.Ambedkar8391 Words à |à 34 Pagesleaving any doubt over its genesis and mechanism. Of them, one can not point out anybody who had surpassed and bypassed the thesis of Dr. Ambedkar on caste. So do I too in this article as to whether his thesis on Annihilation of caste bears any relevance to and brings significant success along with if it is applied in todays environment. If it does what shall be the way forward ahead of his thesis in annihilating the caste and if it seeks modifications in line with the current situation what areRead MoreHindi Nibandh on Advantages of Mobile and Disadvantage17790 Words à |à 72 Pagesmarketers in India. But from time to time their ideas were revived. After the rupee was devalued in 1966, there were some moves towards freeing the trade regime, and hopes that the licensing system would also be liberalized. However, after Indira Gandhi split the Congress Party in 1969, her government took its ââ¬Ëleft turnââ¬â¢, nationalizing a fresh range of industries and returning to economic autarky. 1. Which of the following statements can most reasonably be inferred from the information availableRead MoreHuman Rights7292 Words à |à 30 Pagesfamily members, neighbours, co-w orkers. Character Formation Towards Positive Personality: Truthfulness, Constructivity, Sacrifice, Sincerity, Self Control, Altruism, Tolerance, Scientific Vision. UNIT ââ¬â II : Value Education Towards National and Global Development National and International Values: Constitutional or national values - Democracy, socialism, secularism, equality, justice, liberty, freedom and fraternity. Social Values - Pity and probity, self control, universal brotherhood.
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